It is really hard to imagine life without the Internet these days, isn't it?
That was exactly what I had to go through for the past few days when I was facing Internet connectivity issue at home.
It was technical fault identified to stem from my Internet service provider's side, followed by days of troubleshooting and trying everything to just be connected to the rest of the world again.
Those days felt exceptionally long.
Long story short, problem was finally fixed this afternoon and it was like the skies were suddenly clear again.
(Literally intended since we are experiencing hot and hazy weather these days).
I rejoiced and believe me when I say I was really beyond thrilled that I could finally click on the webpage and it actually loaded that I jumped and danced.
It is just so ironic that I recently just wrote about my thoughts on the Technology and the effects on humanity, and I am going through an experience of my own, with technology as well.
They are not exactly the same thoughts, though there are still certain relevance on the topics.
Just more than a decade ago, computer was just making its way into our lives.
Internet was the newbie back then; and then it took the world by storm.
Everyone is connected in some way or another these days; and perhaps I would say every second of the day too.
From home to work, to traveling outside the country and on the go, everyone could just tap into the world network with just one touch on their screens.
It has become so mundane these days that it has become part of our lives.
We no longer even realize that it is anything else other than that necessity in our lives.
It is just unbelievable how dependent or intertwined our we ourselves, along with our lives have gotten with the Internet.
It is amazing what the Internet has done to each and every one of us.
Ask the person who had to go through the days without Internet connection.
It felt like forever.
Okay, that wasn't exactly true since I still had data connection on my phones, but still, logging on at home, on mobile devices via home or WLAN was another experience and that lack thereof just was somewhat crippling on a whole.
I felt like I was taking a trip back to the days when Internet had yet to make its fame as it is today.
Strangely, those days seem like they were fading in memory and it is hard to imagine surviving without any Internet connection, of any form.
Yes, we survived back then.
Vague memories, but we did.
So, this explains the reason that virtual silence loomed over my page and blog for the past few days.
But the most important question is, how did I survived?
Looking back, it was not too bad at all.
I mean, we make do of the situations when they happen, don't we?
If we can't change it, might as well make the most out of it and wisely too.
(I did my own troubleshooting as well, when I wasn't talking to the ISP technical team, but to no avail).
Anyway, I have to say, I would take it as a blessing in disguise as it did give me some time to catch up on a few things and I even enjoyed it.
It is just funny how we never really noticed how the Internet was just sucking all that life out of us.
It is just like a drug addiction that we could rarely get off of.
How I spent my 3 Days? (with weekend included)
1. Caught up on reading (what else is new?). In fact, I've finished three novels at a go.
That was the best way to spend my Internet-less time, hands down.
2. Organized my thoughts and did some self-reflection (yes, always must self-reflect)
3. Organized my closet and bookshelves.
4. Cleared some of that storage on my computer and reorganized everything.
5. Getting some really good and early rest (it was good to be able to relax and just rest early without all that screen flicker at night; it gave me that opportunity to finally catch up on my much-needed sleep)
It just needed a little getting used to; that tiny adjustment.
The beginning was always tougher; since it was already part of our lives, it was really difficult getting around that one part missing in the daily routine, not to mention frustrating.
Then I just started slipping into it and getting the hang of it, though I still do check (and pray) for the connection to resume to normal.
Of course, it is good that it is finally back to normal.
I am not even sure if normal is really normal or good in any way, or the real definition of normal either, but I'm glad that I could finally be connected again.
After all, that's why the world is global, isn't it?
We just need to connect to be part of the world.
I'm just happy I could finally post again, and while I have enjoyed the quiet few days, I certainly do not wish for this technical issue to recur, for if I would like to unwind and spend my quiet days, I would like it to be of my own choice to switch off, thank you very much.
Happy was just an understatement, I felt just like the Internet; Alive all over again.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my dance to celebrate.
Oh, for the joy of Internet and being able to log on again!
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