Last night, just last night I dreamt of a world without masks
I saw myself walking into a world, where everyone was without a mask
Unmasked faces staring back at me from the carriage of a train
My mind went blank and I felt myself instinctively reaching into my bag
Panic nervous and just anxious
As I fumble nervously grabbing for a face mask
What was everyone thinking??
The question plagues my brain
Ah I got one, grabbed the face mask with might and put it on
In a flash I then saw everyone now with a mask on their faces
Every single one is now masked
And some fumbling just as nervously as me earlier
Tugging and pulling out their masks
Putting them one anxiously
And suddenly the picture earlier changed
From the brightly lit scene of the space in an underground train
To now a gray one
What a transformation
The crowd the people have disappeared
The bright faces of old, young, men, women, children on their seats
Now gone from my sight
I could only see blank seats and emptiness staring back at me
All around
What had just happened
I do not know
I cannot figure it out
Was it something I had done?
Was I the one who caused the change in the frames?
Because of what I did?
Grabbing and putting on a mask?
Was it my anxiety?
My fear?
Wearing that mask instead of embracing the lovely scene
Why was I that conscious?
Why did I not just go along with it?
That world, the world without masks
Everyone was smiling, happy
Without masks on their faces
But I, I pulled out a mask
Put it on and then that world changed
Why, what did I do wrong?
What did I not do?
What could I have done differently?
Is it me?
It must be me...I caused the change
It is all my fault
I willed it away with my actions?
Now I am left here, all alone
So alone in this gray gray world
With no one
No one at all there anymore
No bright light
No joy
No smiling faces
No warmth
I felt a sense of loss
I missed that scene
I missed them
Though brief though short
I missed them all, people, chatter, laughter, lights...
I have no idea where did all that go
It is my fault
Is there nothing I can do? Anything at all?
Will they ever return?
Will THEY?
Will things change if I wish really hard or just close my eyes?
Should I take my mask off and it will magically change the scene again?
I have no idea, I am at a loss
I don't know what to do and I really wish I knew...
All I know is it was brief
A short moment
A flash
That world without masks
Then I realised
Yeah, I realised it
That world is a dream
That world was a dream
It was just a dream I had
I was in that dream
The dream I had last night
Where the world is without mask
It was all just a dream
A dream I had last night
Nothing more
And I woke up
Just my thoughts on a dream I had last night, truly it was a dream I just had last night and yes, it was really a dream, I guess....