Culture, the acquainting ourselves with the best that has been known and said in the world.
- Matthew Arnold -
The riches of the soil, the abundance of the fruits of the earth, the colors of nature are all the essentials to create the landscape or the backdrop of a place.
However, the identity and the soul of the entire place is defined by not just the natural environment alone; but most of all the people living in it.
The people who would come into the place, breathe in the air and give it life, bringing in their own sets and beliefs, or even creating a new style of living are the values which shape the character of the place.
The people who laid their feet on the land, who claimed that spot of land as their own.
The people who put their hands and feet to work as they toil away at the earth blessed with nature's offerings.
The people who worked hard to plant the seeds and watched new life sprout to life from the ground.
The people who reaped and took that first taste of the sweet fruits grown from their own sweat and blood.
Ah, that sweet taste of one's grown crops~
People come and go, naturally; adding or leaving the community which could start from just a small litter in the beginning.
People could pamper and nourish the land; but they could also hack away at every last piece of treasure and leave it out in the cold and dark.
There are those who love and there are those who hate.
It is that common mix of the good and the bad, everywhere.
The Mekong Delta is blessed with the goodness of fertility and rich fruits granted by Mother Nature, despite a dark point in the past.
It was erased and the soil bounced back to retaliate with more prosperity to benefit the region.
The people know that, and they worked hard, with gratitude; making the most of nature's gifts to them to make their homeland a place of theirs and the nation's pride.
It is the people here, who have brought life, and defined the Mekong Delta.
This is my photo diary of the faces of the people I have met during my trip, as I wrap up my post on the Mekong Delta with these beautiful portraits.
(Photos are not of the best quality, nor am I a professional photographer, but I just want to show the side of the people of Mekong Delta, to my best ability)
The People, of Mekong Delta

*Author's Note:
This is not a sponsored/promotional post, and solely based on author's personal expenses, opinions and preferences and do not represent the general public.
Experiences vary from one individual to another.
You do not have to agree with me.
You do not have to agree with me.
This is based on my personal experience and is told in a subjective manner, entirely from my perspective.
Photos/Videos all belong to me and are copyrighted.
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