Starting the Year

By Christina Kim - January 22, 2016


The whole month of January has almost gone by, and I can't believe how fast it has been.
It's also been a while since my last post, and I'm sorry that I didn't get to post that much due to my schedule since the year started.

The year literally started with a Bang, for me, and I'm not even kidding.

It was just slightly after midnight after the countdown; that first few minutes into the brand new year that I witnessed, with my own eyes, a car hitting a motorcycle.
Well, technically it was the motorcycle's fault who swerved into the right turning lane from the far left and it was green for turning lane. 
There was no car initially, but then a car came and BAM, the car just couldn't stop in time.
The only blessing was that the car was not really speeding (thank God!) and the motorcyclist only fell off without being thrown off his motorcycle.

Needless to say, it was still not a very pleasant scene for me to see with my very own eyes at that point.

What a way to see the start the year, literally speaking.

Anyway, back to me, there has been so much since the start of the year and I'm glad that there are just so many stories I have now backed up to share on my blog very shortly.

New Year's Day was a rather quiet event, spent in a rather routine way.

I'm sure many have made the obligatory New Year's resolutions; well, it is rather customary to do that when the brand new year hits the shores.

It is always about change; getting rid of the old and bad habits, and making way for the new and good ones.
Most of all, it is about making them stick.

I've talked about Change for myself too in my previous post, which is just about going with the usual flow, though the word 'Change' means very differently for each and every one of us.

Change is not about just ditching the old and taking the new, but rather, doing something differently. 
It is about seeing light from a different angle, and perhaps doing something which means personally to us.

Change is not the only thing I had in mind, though I will talk about it much later.
There are just so many things I have learnt, even through the hard way, though I'm glad that they have all set things into perspective.

I have my own personal resolutions and goals; I don't look for long lists but rather set specific and realistic ones.

Like, spending less time on social media?
(Ha, that's a joke!)


But really, I think I want to take a little step back and go old school on this one; focus on the real-life interactions and quality time with those who really matter rather than virtually.
Virtual reality is not reality, enough said.

It is really about the quality and all about perspectives.
I'm really going to take things a little slower (I will really try on this one) and take some time to really look around and like they said, take a whiff of the fragrant flowers right under our noses.
These people are right.

It's amazing how we could just miss places and scenes around us, and right there before us, while scouring all over the world for that perfect spot to just hang around when that very place could be just in our very own backyard!

I am looking forward to exploring more this year; be it places, people, and even myself.
I could have even missed getting to know myself, no kidding.
The start of the year is definitely a great reason to start everything from the dot.

The first month of the year is no doubt my favorite month; and for many reasons besides the fact that it is about new beginnings.

New beginnings means Change and definitely Hope.

To another year of Hope and wisdom.


*Author's Note: 
This is not a sponsored/promotional post, and solely based on author's personal opinions and do not represent the general public. 
Experiences vary from one individual to another.
You do not have to agree with me.

Art Direction and Photography Styling by Me.
Photos/Videos all belong to me and are copyrighted.
Please kindly ask for permission if you need to use any of my images.

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